It’s 2021 but gender stereotypes are still an integral part of our thinking – and often we are not even aware of them. We all fall prey to gender bias. The causes are numerous: cultural thought patterns, traditional norms, social assumptions and past experiences.
In this challenge, you can test yourself and start reflecting on your own conscious or unconscious stereotypes.
Therefor, check out the material below, open the link "Test yourself" and choose one of the tests (english on the right, german on the left). You have the choice between the two topics Career/ Family or Science/ Humanities. Reflect your result below to recieve a badge!
Now it's time for sharing and exchanging your test results or your general thoughts on the topic with others. Maybe there's a fun way for this? Have you ever played the game Bingo? It's quiet easy: Each player has a bingo card with squares. In the common verison of this game, there are random numbers in each of the squares. The game master calls (also randomly) numbers and everytime you have this number on your card, you can make a cross in that square. The first player who has a full row of crosses (horizontal, diagonal or vertical) shouts "bingo" and is the winner.
Below in the material you can find another version of a bingo card. There are different gender bias and you can check for yourself which thoughts you had before. Are you a "winner"?
Scroll down to fulfill the challenge and get the badge!