
Migration: Learn more

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Migration: Learn more



This activity is the first one of the "Migration: Challenge yourself" playlist. In this activity, you can find some gathered information about the wide ranged topic of migration.
Let's start the topic with a video about the difference between Migrants and Refugees:

Have you learned something new or did you know the difference before?

In which moments in your daily life do you come in touch with these topics? When you listen to the news? Have you ever thought about how people from other countries are integrated in your country? The European Union created an Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion. You can find it in the material below. What do you think about it?

There are probably also personal moments in your daily life where you meet people from other coutries. They might have been refugees or migrants or maybe they are just somewhere else for other reasons like holidays or Erasmus+. No matter the reason, intercultural communication might be an interesting skill when you are getting to know them:


  • EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion

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Migration: Learn more Obter esta medalha

The owner of this badge learned more about:

  • the difference between migrants and refugees
  • the Action Plan on Migration of the European Union
  • intercultural communication.

The learning happened through different materials such as videos and documents. The provided material is meant to be a first introduction to the wide ranged topic of migration.
The owner of this badge used the material for informing about the topic and reflected the given information.

Tarefa n.º 1
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
Which of the given resources is most interesting for you and why? What did you learn?

Leave your answer in the text field.
Cultural awareness
Adicionado à Playlist (1)
Tempo para completar: 30 minutos


Challenge accepted - Europe

Utilizado em playlists

Migration: Challenge yourself!
Challenge accepted - Europe
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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