This is the first activity in our playlist! After you chose a topic for the whole playlist, this could be an introduction with first information about this theme. Where do you inform yourself about it? Can you find some short videos? Is there a good website? Are there people on instagram informing about the topic?
You can choose which information are improtant and collect them in this activity. Write a text in your own words and use other materials to offer the chance to get more information.
Future makers: are you ready?
Based on the expert insights and interviews with young people, the Institute for the Future has created a profile of lead learners - a set of qualities, skills, strategies and resources that characterise young people who are the first to explore new paths to learning, careers and civic engagement.
Lead learners:
are able to imagine authentic personal futures;
use unique ways to shape their learning, civic and career paths;
strive to achieve their goals.
Lead learners have many common behaviour patterns that unite them regardless of geographical location. These models can inspire us to imagine the future of learning, work and civic engagement.
What about you? Do you have the traits that are necessary for future learning, civic engagement, and careers?
Evaluate your characteristics and behaviours individually, or together with the team, to see how much they coincide with or differ from the profiles of future makers.